Ever since we moved to Canada I worked in the retail sector. I just loved going to work every day to help create positive experience in customer’s lives. It was going great and I got many opportunities to excel due to my hard work, dedication and soft skills.
After we had our second daughter things changed. I went on maternity leave and then chose to stay at home and give my daughters the best early years. Honestly it was not easy for me as I am addicted to being busy and staying focused. I have always been super crafty in my spare time and looked at my creativity as a hobby but never thought of it as a career.
It was at this point when I started exploring different avenues of staying busy, utilizing my skills and looking after the kids at the same time. I realized that jewelry industry goes in line with my education, experience and my love for creativity. So I jumped into it.
With Almighty Allah’s help we kept going and my husband showed constant support and encouragement. Over the course of this adventure we had to face many difficulties and losses but sustained ourselves with patience and perseverance.
I have learnt that when facing challenges, remember to take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, dream big, believe in yourself and put forth your best efforts into setting goals and seeking to achieve them.
With the grace of Almighty Allah, our perseverance has helped achieve some of our goals but there is still a long way to go inshallah!
Now I am a busy mom and an aspiring jewelry designer by the day that loves to play with colors and shapes to create and customize quality unique pieces of adornment. I love it when I see a customer proudly wearing a piece of our jewelry with a smile on her face. The unique sense of achievement and satisfaction that comes with being an entrepreneur greatly surpasses all the challenges that come with it.
You can count on us for any of your high quality jewelry needs and custom orders. Call us at 647-705-8654 or visit online.